Van Hollandse Bodem

A collaboration between shoe designer Amber Ambrose Aurèle and JUDITHvanvliet. As the name already gives away, it's about the Netherlands. A sustainable collection that is designed and made in The Netherlands. Mainly from Dutch sustainable resources, like linen and wool, and Dutch recycled materials: denim, tampons (restmaterial) and old uniforms. Most of the fabrics are woven by Enschede Textielstad, who is also based in the Netherlands. 


The inspiration of the collection is our beautiful country: Dutch artists of the Stijl, like Mondriaan, Architect Ben van Berkel, Delfts Bue, fishermen's knitwear and the North Sea. 


Photo credits


Photography: Team Peter Stigter

Set design: Willemijn Bos


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